EyeVi mobile mapping solution has been de-veloped with special emphasis on covering entire cities, municipalities, and even countries. The focus is on capturing real-life conditions and sustaining a regular update rate with cost-efficiency in mind.
The optimization of the full process includes the selection of leading hardware components in terms of cost vs accuracy, maximization of data production efficiency, and automatization regarding feature extraction options.
Effective road maintenance planning and decision-making require capturing road condition data and updating it with regularity. EyeVi provides highly accurate and constantly updated data by utilizing AI-assisted tools.
Generating the content of geodata is the main challenge in building up asset management systems and digital registries. With EyeVi AI feature extraction platform, all objects in the field of view can be classified in terms of their location, measurements, and visual information.
The captured 3D data can serve as base data for ground and surface models, digital elevation, road profiles, and works planning. From there, it is possible to automatically verify as-built measurements, such as widths of road sections, heights of barriers, and road objects.
Road defects: cracking, network cracking, edge defects, fretting, potholes, patching, weathering
* Defected area calculations and summarised average value for each roadsection
Traffic signs: location, type, condition, height
Pole objects: street lights, traffic lights, portals
Road attributes: area, width, markings, number of lanes, curves, inclines and declines
Ground: surface type, road area, road profiles
Objects: fences, noise walls, over- and underpasses, railings, sidewalks, manholes
AV: localization map and HD vector map
Want to optimize your costs and think we could be the perfect solution for that? Contact us by sending an email to sales@eyevi.tech or schedule a call with us on our contact page.
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